SOLD 2007 J250-SP N203WT

S/N: 456       Jabiru J3300A 6 Cyl. 120 HP Gen 3 engine S/N: 33A2545

Night VFR with Nav. Dual GRT Displays: Sport SX, Sport WS. 2 axis Auto Pilot.

Garmin SL30 Nav/Com, Garmin GTX 327 Transponder, PM1000 Intercom. ADSB Out. Back-up Analog airspeed and altimeter! Electric flaps. 12 volt power plugs. Landing, Nav, Strobe & Position light package.

Tinted windscreen with an excellent Interior – handsome grey tweed with blue and red accents on seats and side panels with map pockets. Grey carpet and headliner. Door locks on all 3 doors.

White and cobalt blue exterior. Wheel pants in great condition. Matco wheels & brakes. Good main gear tires. New Jabiru ground adjustable propeller. 

Canopy Cover, Tow Bar, Wheel Chocks, booster seat and extras… Always hangared.

Very well maintained – good service records and aircraft documents.

Smooth and cool running Gen 3 engine with 330hrs. 845hrs TT on the airframe.