SOLD 2008 J170-SP N670J
S/N: 186, Engine: Jabiru 2200A 80hp 4cyl. SN: 22A 3176. Rare Find!
The J170 was developed with flying schools in hotter climates in mind. It is the J160 with the longer wings of the J230 and a larger elevator. The longer wings allow it to climb faster in hot conditions. The longer wings also provide more float on landing which is helpful when learning to land. The dual controls are continued in this model. The 100-knot TAS cruise speed is still easily achievable at 2850 rpm.

Airframe in very good condition – Night VFR, Dual Glass Display: GRT Sport SX and GRT Sport HS, with Garmin SL30 Nav/Com, GTX 327 Transponder; PM 1000 Intercom, ADSB Out, ADSB In via Bluetooth.
Back-up Analog Airspeed and Slip/Skid, Vertical Card Compass, Left and Right LED Fuel Indicators in panel, Music port, Dual PTT, Remote ELT in panel. Electric Flaps and Illuminated Flap position Indicator, OAT;
Dual Controls, Dual PTT, Remote ELT in panel. New tires all around; Custom fabric upholstery with matching side panels, Tennessee Wave red with yellow paint scheme, extended to wheel pants and winglets! Polished Cummins aluminum spinner.
375 hrs TT $64,900