SOLD 2009 Arion Lightning LS-1 N325AL
2009 Arion Lightning LS-1 SLSA – Factory Built N325AL SN: 78 Engine J3300 6 Cyl. 120 HP
SOLD 2/24: SLSA, Factory Built. Day VFR with Nav. Dual GRT Displays with Synthetic Vision, Internal GPS, moving map. GRT 2 axis Auto Pilot. Garmin SL40 Com, Garmin GTX 327 Transponder, PM1000 Intercom. ADSB In/Out. Back-up Analog airspeed. Electric trim and flaps. HacMan Mixture control.
New Nav & Strobe light system. Tan leather with red trim. Fresh Air vents. Map pockets.. Toe Brakes. Boarding Steps Left and Right. Wheel pants in great condition. Matco wheels & brakes. “AirFlow” paint scheme – Ruby Red over White. Mark ll tail. Recently refurbished Sensenich fiberglass wrapped, wood prop. Well maintained and in very good condition. Good maintenance records. Always Hangared.
New Gen 4 engine with 0 hrs! 665 Hrs. TTAF