SOLD 2010 J230- SP N730J
SOLD 2010 JABIRU J230- SP SN 679 Engine J3300 6 Cyl, 120HP SN 33A2955
J230-SP with a 120 HP, 6 Cylinder Jabiru
Night VFR. Dual Screen GRT Sport SX displays. Garmin SL30 NAV/COM, Garmin GTX330 Transponder, TruTrak Digiflight IIG Autopilot. ADSB, Traffic and weather. Back-up Analog Airspeed and Slip/Skid. GRT EIS 6000 Engine Information System. Cold Start ignition kit. FT 60 Fuel Flow. Premium Leather Interior.

Wing mounted Landing Light with Pulsar XP WingTip LED Nav/Strobe/Position lighting System. Fuselage mounted cabin fresh air vents. Excellent paint with custom winglet stripes.
Prop: Sensenich Fiberglass wrapped Wood Prop, W60ZK55G.
Very well cared for, this aircraft has always been hangared. Next Inspection Due August 2024
Certified Pre-Owned. TTAF 794 TT Engine 62 , Gen 4