*Sold* 2008 Jabiru J250-SP N698RA
2008 Jabiru J250-SP N698RA S/N: 524 Engine: 3300A S/N: 33A1552

Very clean and well taken care of, low time J250. Well Equipped: Dual GRT Sport SX PFD/MFD, GRT EIS 6000, Garmin SL-30 Nav/Com, Garmin GTX 330 Transponder, ADSB IN/OUT with Traffic and Weather on screen, PM 1000 Intercom. Tru Trak Auto Pilot. Back-up analog Airspeed. AK451 ELT with Lithium Battery Pack (expires March 2026). Landing/Taxi light. Cabin Heat….that really works! Sensenich Ground Adjustable Carbon Prop. Leather Interior – Soft grey with Red and Blue accents. Ready for some flying! Built at factory – registered experimental. Great Paint, Great interior. Condition Inspection 09-2020. Good Maintenance Records, Logs. Maintained by Jabiru Service Center. Total Time 265 TT Hrs.