2019 J230-D N783J
SN: 946. Engine: 120HP J3300L Gen 4 SN: 33L145 Here is one of the better equipped, Cross Country Jabiru...
SN: 946. Engine: 120HP J3300L Gen 4 SN: 33L145 Here is one of the better equipped, Cross Country Jabiru...
Nearly New S/N: 983 Jabiru J3300L 6 Cyl. 120 HP Gen 4 engine S/N: 33L150 Dual Garmin G3X...
S/N:848 Jabiru J3300L 6 Cyl. 120 HP Gen 3 engine S/N: 33L117 8.4″ GRT Sport SX EFIS PFD...